von Massud Hosseinipour | Sep. 3, 2016 | Books
von Massud Hosseinipour | Jan. 27, 2018 | Photos & Videos
Masoleum from Timur his teacher and his relatives . Their real graves are in the basement of the house The real graves of Timur, his teacher and relatives in the basement of the house in the same order as on the ground floor. The Grave Timurs broke when the grave was...
von Massud Hosseinipour | Jan. 27, 2018 | Photos & Videos
© Massud Hosseinipour Bukhra Bukhara Bukhara Bukhara a Russian bride / Tashkent Wedding podium for a Russian wedding / Tashkent Farghana city Kokand Russian wedding / Farghana city Russian wedding / Farghana city Shar-i sabz Bukhara Village wedding / near Bukhara...
von Massud Hosseinipour | Jan. 27, 2018 | Photos & Videos
Highway Namangan- Tashkent, Tian shan mountains Tian shan mountains Tian shan mountains The highway kokand- Tashkent Highway Tashkent- Angaran (Farghana vally) Oxsus oxsus The karshi-Samarkand highway in the month of May The karshi-Samarkand highway in the month of...
von Massud Hosseinipour | Apr. 25, 2020 | Photos & Videos
Northwestern part of the old town good morning Bukhara Bazar-i Zargaran, Madrassa Mirarab and Minar-i Kalon Poy-i Kalon complex Minar-i Kalon Mausoleum by Esmail Samani Cheshmeh-i Ayub Masjid-i Balahouz Madrasse-i Chahar minar Madrasse-i Abdulaziz khon Masjid-i kalon,...